About the Hammer Accelerator Program

The Hammer Accelerator is a three-step program in which Hammer assists organizations in making crucial decisions that impact their future. The Accelerator facilitates fast but effective decision-making about, for instance, which new product markets to explore, geographical markets to enter or how to extend your product-market portfolio from a value-based perspective.

The Accelerator program starts with an ideation session. Key is that ideas are generated and evaluated on commonly made criteria. Hammer and client-side representative together decide the scope and evaluation metrics of the program. It is important that evaluation metrics are intuitive and enable participants to swiftly evaluate propositions in the following sessions. The scope can be very wide in this phase due to the nature of the program, allowing a great diversity of propositions to be included.

The ideation session of the Accelerator program is followed by a workshop in which all stakeholders of the eventual decision-making participate to individually evaluate all propositions defined in the ideation session. A key to the Accelerator program is that the workshop phase can be conducted in just one morning or afternoon. The individual scores automatically (in the tool) sum up to common scores while deep diving into the scores enable to discuss individual differences in scoring. The consequence is that it is very clear where everybody agrees on (and what we do not need to discuss) and where there are differences in opinion. Another clear advantage is that seemingly incomparable quantities (which often complicate decision-making) become comparable. This facilitates effective and fast decision-making and supports clear and directive scoping of (market) research to be done to answer upcoming questions.

The result of the Accelerator workshop is a small selection of potentially winning propositions that will be evaluated further by a Hammer team of experts. At the end of the Accelerator program, this selection of ideas will be presented to you and will provide all the required information to enable the stakeholders to make the decision that will propel them forward.

This article is the introduction of a three-way series explaining all the steps within the Hammer Accelerator program:

  1. Hammer Accelerator: Ideation
  2. Hammer Accelerator: Workshop
  3. Hammer Accelerator: Evaluation

Curious to learn more about the Hammer Accelerator, get in touch to discuss the possibilities of AI!

This article is written by Tom Beckers

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