Supporting strategic decision making in the telecom market

VolkerWessels Telecom is a leading player in the Dutch telecom market. They design, build, monitor and maintain integral connectivity solutions.

Demand for connectivity is, and has for many years been, increasing strongly. This is reflected and driven by a wide array of (intertwined) trends like the Internet of Things (IoT), increasing data usage, cloud, automation/robotization, digitalization, and so on. Growing connectivity demands can only be met when the telecom network infrastructure is well organized and prepared. The Netherlands has the best digital infrastructure in Europe and is top performer in connectivity, having broad high-quality coverage with several fixed communications networks (copper, cable and fibre). VolkerWessels Telecom played a substantial role in realizing this.

Connectivity plays a role in all industries, but the extent to which can vary. This depends on the importance of connectivity within the primary business processes of those industries. When connectivity is an integral part of the primary processes, industries require state-of-the-art telecom networks.

For companies like VolkerWessels Telecom, this connectivity role is one of the main indicators determining attractiveness of a segment, but it must be assessed together with market size, trends, potential, and so on. To get a comprehensive view on different segments, it furthermore was essential to assess ability to compete and fit with market segments. To operationalize VolkerWessels Telecom’s commercial focus, substantiation of market segments based on a data driven approach was therefore required.

‘We were developing our commercial plan but lacked substantiation of market potential and opportunities in our different market segments. Hammer supported our commercial plan-making by quantifying the market segments on a wide set of indicators.’ Joep van den Brink, Director VolkerWessels Telecom Network Solutions

To arrive at the required insights, a combination of research methods was used. Quantification of market size, potential and growth were based on bottom-up as well as top-down approaches. Thorough desk research was needed to get an overview of key figures in all (sub)segments: number of prospects, clients, size of projects, etc.

After several iterations on these source figures, working sessions together with the client team were used to translate the figures into revenue- and profit pools. This market attractiveness data was confronted with data on ability to compete and resulted in a comprehensive overview of all market segments.

’Pleasant in the collaboration with Hammer was the short lines, quick switching and the hands-on mentality. This, combined with Hammer's proactive approach, has confirmed the picture of the market that VolkerWessels Telecom already had and provided insight into where and when to compete for the short and medium term.’

The results from the market study were used as input for the strategic document of VolkerWessels Telecom. The insights indicated both where commercial focus should be aimed at but also when (short-, moderate- and long term).

‘The results gave us valuable information regarding where and when to compete and could be used as direct input in our commercial plan.’

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+31 85 3332472

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